You want to start your own business or have already done so and are looking for more information?
The business development agency Ellwangen supports individuals interested in setting up their own business and entrepreneurs with
- Information on business start-ups
- Information on the current market situation in Ellwangen
- Assistance in the search for an appropriate site
- Contacts to professional associations and similar institutions
- Contacts to other companies and networks
In the Ellwangen town hall, the IHK (Chamber of Industry and Commerce) Ostwürttemberg regularly offers free business start-up advice. Here, you can find more information on dates and registration:
coming up:
- dates are loacted in the german section.
latest Invitations:
Click for further Information: (German - PDF)
IHK Ostwürttemberg
Attendance hours for freelancers
In conjunction with the "Institut für Freie Berufe Nürnberg (IFB)" (Institute for liberal professions Nürnberg), the IHK Ostwürttemberg offers free attendance hours for freelancers.
This service provides entrepreneurs with a local contact partner on all issues around self-employment as freelancer. Whether you are engineer, lawyer, physiotherapist, consultant, IT-expert or journalist - the list of freelance work/activities is long. The very fact that it is freelance work influences the planning and preparation of the start-up project. At this point the experts of IFB are providing advice for the entrepreneurs to be with their longstanding experience. This offer of IFB is sponsored by the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Economics.
The next office hours will be on ..... in ..... For further information and registration: Institut für freie Berufe, Andrea Perl-Morea, Phone number: 0911 2356522.
Online Marketing
Together with IT-expert Christian Baumgartner the IHK Ostwürttemberg provides free office hours on the subject of online marketing.
For many companies the internet and E-business open up interesting opportunities to improve their competitiveness. In individual consulting, experts of the IHK cooperation partner answer questions on all important areas of internet usage. Interested parties obtain tips for a convincing internet presence, the design of the website and the search engine optimization. The next office hours will be on ...
Further information and registration: IHK Ostwürttemberg, Rita Grubauer, Phone number: 07321 324-182 or grubauer(@) or, page number 13583474.
IHK event - Better business results with free Wi-Fi
80 percent of the German population would like to use public wireless hotspots more often. Companies, particularly in the trade and service sector, hotel business as well as gastronomy would like to offer their customers this additional service. However, the so called "Störerhaftung" (Breach of Duty of Care) still complicates the provision of public wireless hotspots, because the entrepreneurs are liable for the conduct of their guests in the internet. In cases of misuse the organisation itself must face the charge of high fees.
The presentation "Umsetzung, Absicherung und Potential von Gäste-Hotspots" (Implementation, protection and potential of guest hotspots) provides comprehensive information on the issue of legally secure Wi-Fi for guests and illustrates how to stand out with a free internet for guests and customers simply and cost-effectively. Moreover, it describes how to acquire new customers with guest internet in conjunction with fully automated advertising.
The free event will take place on.... in the IHK Ostwürttemberg, Ludwig-Erhard-Str. 1 in Heidenheim. More information and registration at the IHK Ostwürttemberg: Rita Grubauer, Phone number: 07321 - 324-182 or grubauer(@) or online, page number 13585676.
Association for consultative support of young entrepreneurs and business start-ups.
P.E.G.A.S.U.S. counsels and accompanies you praxis-oriented on your first steps as entrepreneur.
P.E.G.A.S.U.S. is an association of experienced entrepreneurs, freelancers and executives from the industry, retail, trade and services.
Verena Kiedaisch Phone number: 07961 84-288
Egon Bertenbreiter Phone number: 07961 401401
P.E.G.A.S.U.S (