Ellwangen - “Ausgezeichneter Wohnort für Fach- und Führungskräfte” (Excellent place of residence for professional and managerial staff)

For the second time in succession Ellwangen has been awarded the audit " Ausgezeichneter Wohnort für Fach- und Führungskräfte" (Excellent place of residence for professional and managerial staff) in 2016 by the IHK (Chamber of Commerce and Industry) Ostwürttemberg. In the matter of welcoming culture, Ellwangen has set up numerous offers and services in recent years and positioned itself successfully together with 49 municipalities throughout Germany on the market for professional and managerial staff.
Above all, it was the "Europäische Ausbildungs- und Transferakademie (EATA)" (European Training and Transfer Academy), the excellent communication in the City and Location Marketing and the establishment of the city bus line, that made Ellwangen score in the re-audit. And also in the field of compatibility of family and work Ellwangen has got a lot to offer: the school town Ellwangen provides an outstanding range of different forms of education and child care facilities. The "Betreuungsgutschein" (care voucher) is only one example.
Ellwangen's quality of life is outstanding: You can select out of a variety of high-level leisure activities whether you prefer sport or culture and entertainment.
For a comfortable living, Ellwangen and its surroundings have got a lot to offer. Under the marketing initiative "Ostwürttemberg is exciting", the region Ostwürttemberg advertises with the slogan "Many dream of a house in the countryside. Here, it is quite common." - in Ellwangen you can make your individual dream of living come true.
The job portal for qualified professionals – for companies and employees
You are looking for a new professional challenge or for qualified employees? The job portal for qualified professionals Ostwürttemberg (www.fachkraefte-ostwuerttemberg.de) offers several hundreds of attractive vacancies with companies in the region.
But if offers a lot more: Every information you need on living and working in the heart of Southern Germany - you will find it here attractively presented with many stories featuring current affairs and the highlights
Training and study fair
In 2013, Ellwangen established the "Ausbildungs- und Studienmesse Ellwangen" (Training and study fair Ellwangen) together with the Ostalbkreis region and the Agentur für Arbeit (Employment Agency) which was extremely well received by the companies as well as the school pupils. The next fair will be held on 19 November 2016.
We are here for you!
The city of Ellwangen is a competent service partner for employees and employers likewise. We take your concerns seriously and deal with them by using short administrative channels.
The field/subject area "Economic promotion and City marketing" actively supports companies in recruiting professional and managerial staff. Numerous Ellwangen companies offer attractive working opportunities for employees with varying skills and qualifications. And also in regard to vocational training, the companies in Ellwangen and surroundings provide excellent offers and prospects for young people.
Many companies increasingly recruit qualified personnel from abroad - also from non-EU countries. In this regard, too, the city administration Ellwangen offers assistance: Jürgen Schäfer (Phone number: 07961-84-208, Mail) of the local immigration office informs you about entry- and residence regulations. Here you can find information on employment of working population from third countries: http://www.muenchen.ihk.de/de/recht/Anhaenge/erwerbstaetigkeit-von-drittstaatsangehoerigen.pdf (PDF-Datei)