Ellwangen – your business location in a prime position

Companies in Ellwangen benefit from the excellent hard and soft location factorsww:
- With its central location as a hub between North and South on the autobahn A7 and an IC stopping point, Ellwangen offers excellent accessibility.
- Highly qualified and reliable employees are on the spot.
- The extraordinary attractive Ellwangen is not only a good place to work but also to LIVE.
- The school city Ellwangen is ideal for families - and also the small children are in perfect care.
- Professional and managerial staff finds top conditions in Ellwangen: in 2016 and for the second time (the first was in 2013) the town was awarded the audit "Ausgezeichneter Wohnort für Fach- und Führungskräfte" (excellent place of residence for professional and managerial staff).
- For its companies the municipal economic development makes everything possible.
- Ellwangen and the region Ostwürttemberg (East Württemberg) have a lot to offer - and even more than you would think. The website "Ostwürttemberg is exciting" vividly demonstrates all possibilities.
Structural data of Ellwangen at a glance
state of data: Novembre 2020
Population (official update, 09/2019)
- 24.487
Employment market
- Employees subject to social security contributions at the place of work (06/2018): 12.993
- Employees subject to social security contributions at the place of residence (06/2018): 9.925
- Inbound commuters (06/2018): 7.718
- Outward-bound commuters (06/2018): 4.657
- Unemployment rate (10/20): 1.9%
Commercial premises
Fully developed in the commercial and industrial area Neunheim/Neunstadt: starting from EUR 80.00/sqm
Rates of assessment
- Trade tax: 380%
- Property tax A: 350%
- Property tax B: 400%
Structure of establishments and enterprises
- Commercial enterprises (12/2014) 1.815 *including those with employees not subject to social security contributions
- Manufacture (12/2018) 36.6%
- Services (12/2018) 44.1% *share of employees subject to social security contributions
- Trade/Transport (12/2018) 18.4%
Companies at the site with more than 200 employees (selection)
- Friedrich Kicherer
- INNEO Solutions
- Ivoclar Vivadent
- Multipac Montage- und Verpackungsgesellschaft
- Stengel
- Varta Consumer Batteries
- Varta Microbattery
Tourism (Statistical Office Baden-Württemberg 2018)
- Accommodation: 21 (incl. camping sites)
- Sleeping accommodations: 1.217
- Arrivals: 55.435
- Overnight stays: 103.615
POS for retail sector (MB Research 2020)
- Ellwangen in total 193,64 million Euro
- POS retail/inhabitant - EUR 7.859 €/inhabitant
Purchasing power (MB Research 2020)
- Retail-relevant: EUR 6.972 €/inhabitant
Turnover ratio/Revenue index number (MB Research 2020): 132.7
Purchasing power index (MB Research 2020): 102.0
Retail trade centrality (MB Research 2020): 130.0
Market area (GMA)
- Area I (Ellwangen, 09/2019): 24.487 inhabitants
- Area II (rural district of Ellwangen): 14.973 inhabitants
- Area III (extended catchment area): 9.899 inhabitants